Susan Stasiak Caregiver Advocate, Inspirational Speaker, Author of Caring for the Caregiver’s Mind Topics

Dear Caregivers,

When my life partner was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s, everything changed. Chuck and I were a nearly-retired couple, ready for relaxation and travel fun. Instead, our lives turned inside-out. I was terrified. Dementia’s reputation, like cancer, was a long, drawn-out march of misery. My stress mounted as my delusions of control fought the disease. If I knew enough and did enough (and was enough), I might be able to prolong his life and our lives together. Eventually, I realized my only control was with me—through my mind. But my mind wasn’t always accurate. I had to sort out my truth. Mistakes taught me how to use my emotions, thoughts, and beliefs in this harrowing, sometimes self-inflicted, caregiver’s stress. Our end-of-life passage started with dread and evolved into a profound experience of life, death, and love—compassion for myself and others—a spiritual quickening like no other.

My heart’s desire is to share these mind practices with you to lighten your troubles … and enlighten your lives.

We’re in this together.
